Bakkers | Hommen

WE ADd value

We focus on value add opportunities in the real estate sector

we develop, redefine and convert real estate

Who are we?

Bakkers | Hommen is an independent real estate investment and development firm, active in the Netherlands since 2013. As an owner of every project we source, acquire, develop and build the projects. We manage the whole cycle of real estate from acquisition, funding and asset management to disposition.
We know that we are frontrunners and therefore also developers who just as easily join the back of the queue. Simply because we are in it for the long run. When we commit to (re)developing a building or an area we make sure that we have a vested interest. In our relatively short period of existence we have proven to be successful in this. Our track record is the irrefutable proof of that.
It takes boldness, experience and – of course – vision. Therefore, we have the guts to embrace projects in which no one dares to give their commitment. Simply because calculated risks would be too great. At Bakkers | Hommen we do not believe in quick wins. Our ideas are based on a long-term strategy. The why, but above all the how and what is needed to make the impossible possible. Changing the ordinary status quo into an extraordinary and future-proof solution.
What doesn’t mean that Bakkers | Hommen consists of a bunch of daredevils who are not afraid of anything. The opposite is true. If we commit ourselves, we keep puzzling until the scenario that most people consider to be impossible is worked out in a feasible concept. By creating the best possible balance between concessions to the architecture of a building, livability of an environment or the volume of houses we intend to develop.
We believe that we literally add value to anything and everyone who is involved in a project. Far beyond that since we firmly believe in the principle of merging people, buildings, neighborhoods, districts, areas – but above all – cultures. We look at what unites and attracts people, makes us better and keeps us together. Spaces and places to live our lives, to work, relax and enjoy nature. What nowadays is stated as ‘inclusive’ has since our inception been the most common thing in the world at Bakkers | Hommen. After all, the world is not built around
us, but around those who live together in a community, residential district, town or village we develop and build for them.
Of course, we are ambitious, but we are above all adventurous. Although we know that we create added value with our efforts and concepts. Basically, our philosophy is based on value creation. What results, among other things, in increasing the quality of real estate, but also the quality of life within it. We create buildings of a higher level where people enjoy living and working. Which means that we like to invest in the wellbeing of people. Today, but also in the future. We anticipate and invest in new sustainable technology in order to make the buildings we build today futureproof. Which, apart from sustainability, also means that we are flexible in developing the function of a building.

how we turn the ordinairy into the extraordinairy

WHY – You will be amazed to see what people can achieve when they have the guts to try. Boldness is an undervalued power in our world although it has genius and magic in it. We know what it takes and is needed to create the better alternative, and we do not rest until we have proven it. Adding value to cities, communities and people’s lives. Perhaps even yours. Mostly from experience, but sometimes just by heart.
HOW – We are a team of experienced real estate professionals who have the knowledge, expertise, assets and experience to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Due to our disruptive development model we control and lead all processes of (re)developing any residential area, (office) building or industrial park. Creating homes where people feel at home.
WHAT – We are not the next, but for sure a new generation of real estate developers. We do not hesitate to surprise with ideas that will help to create a better world, turning decaying neighborhoods into lively residential areas where people love to live in. Providing society in every form with sustainable project solutions on which we can build for generations. Creating homes people need. We offer reassurance, stability and long-term commitment to communities.


Our mission will not surprise anyone: creating value for all our stakeholders. Big or small and regardless whether they are directly or indirectly involved in a project. From a long-term vision we develop sustainable homes and buildings that contribute to the quality of life, but also to the world people live in.
We have a different vision about the way homes and buildings can be (re)developed and/ or built. We make things happen and know how to transform any area, every property, realizing maximum value for all stakeholders involved. Determined experts who know what it takes and what is needed to realize a real estate project successfully. Sustainable and at minimal costs. For generations to come.

That’s who we are. Bakkers | Hommen.

At bakkers | hommen
we are :


Business innovation is when an organization introduces new processes, services, or products to affect positive change in their industry/business. This can include improving existing methods, changing standards, disrupting markets with new ideas or starting from scratch with a white canvas. Being innovative means you are original and more effective and – as a consequence – new, which ‘breaks into’ the market or society.


Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.


Creative means that we relate or involve the use of our imagination to come forward with original ideas to create something new. Unleashing people’s creative energy by change.


A non-con-form-ist is someone who does not conform to, or refuses to be bound by accepted beliefs, customs, or practices. Non conformative means a deviation from a specification, a standard, or an expectation. To do the unexpected.


To be disruptive means to prevent something from continuing or operating in a normal way. Causing or – trending to cause – disruption. A business model or innovation that creates new markets or value chains which disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products and alliances.

” EAGEr AND – ofcourse – AMBitiousS – We simply are, we can’t help ourselves.. ”


Bakkers | Hommen is a proud member of NEPROM, an alliance that joins forces to jointly shape the future. Our vision, ‘How we turn the ordinary into the extraordinary,’ harmonises perfectly with NEPROM’s commitment to sustainable, social development. At NEPROM, we find the ideal environment to demonstrate our determination and realise the extraordinary.


As experienced real estate professionals, we share not only knowledge and expertise, but also a commitment to create extraordinary living environments. By being a member of NEPROM, we connect with a network of like-minded developers and contribute to the collective effort to transform the Netherlands into a place where everyone can enjoy a pleasant, healthy and sustainable environment. 

” Together with NEPROM, we build bridges to a promising future for our country. ”

Meet the team



Director Investment Management


Director HR


Management Assistant

Bouke Cuppen



Investment Manager

Remmert Dekker

Investment Manager


Technical Developer

Ramzy Elmashtooly

Development Manager

Diederik Erkel

Construction Engineer

Nick Vleugels

Construction Manager


Realisation Manager


Construction team


Asset Manager



Stan Heijmans

Director Special Projects & Operations

Annemarie van Uijtert

Junior Asset manager


Office dog


Office dog




Het begint met een kans maar wat je er vervolgens mee doet bepaalt het succes, zowel voor de omgeving als voor de gebruiker(s) maar zeker ook voor de betrokkenen in het proces.

Mooie meters maken we samen.


Theun van gennip

van collectie naar connectie

Director HR


trots ben ik op onze mensen die de bepalende factor zijn van bhw!

management assistent

bouke cuppen

inzetbaar als een duizendpoot; altijd beschikbaar.


Simone Bouwens

zorgdragen voor een gestroomlijnde verwerking van facturen en mutaties geeft stabiliteit en comfort voor onze onderneming. 

Investment manager 

Remmert Dekker

ontwikkelen doe je door in balans te zijn

Investment Manager

Joris van Meijl

Technical Developer

Ramzy Elmashtooly

Een doordachte uitwerking van het concept geeft toegevoegde waarde aan de ontwikkeling.

Development Manager

Diederik Erkel

Construction Engineer 

Nick Vleugels 

Bouwmanagement is de fundering voor een succesvol bouwproject

Construction Manager

Ruud Swinkels

samen een beter project realiseren door alle disciplines in hun kracht te zetten

realisation manager

bart brouwers

gedreven in begeleiding tot realisatie van transformatie tot nieuwbouw.

Construction team

Dennis slaats

Asset Manager

Niels Kersten

door samenwerking, ondersteuning en door te luisteren help ik graag zowel de interne organisatie als de externe klant 


Stan Heijmans

Altijd in controle

Director Special Projects & Operations

Annemarie van Uijtert

In control naar een mooi resultaat voor alle betrokken partijen

junior asset manager

Nashdat zee

“Investeren in en voor de toekomst. Stap voor stap een ‘steentje’ bijdragen.”

Technical Developer

marnix nies

Samen een beter project realiseren door alle disciplines in hun kracht te zetten.